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Can You Seek Workers’ Compensation For Injuries Suffered At Workplace Social Events?


No one ever expects to get injured on the job, even employees who work in high-risk industries such as construction and manufacturing. Even despite taking precautions, workers may sustain injuries in workplace accidents when performing their duties. When this happens, they are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

But what about injuries suffered at workplace social events? Can you obtain workers’ compensation benefits for injuries suffered at an office social function, company picnic, or office party?

The last thing a worker wants to worry about is the risk of suffering injuries when attending a workplace social event. But can an injured employee seek workers’ compensation benefits when they get injured at a social event organized by the employer even though the worker is not technically working at the time of the accident?

If you have been injured at a workplace social event, do not hesitate to speak with a Tampa workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your options for compensation. Our attorneys at Kobal Law will help you understand whether or not you are entitled to workers’ compensation in your particular case.

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Injuries That Occur During Social Activities?

Not all injuries that occur during social activities at work are covered under Florida’s workers’ compensation. The injuries suffered at workplace social events are compensable if all of the following is true:

  • The workplace social event was expressly required by the employer; and
  • The employer directly benefited from your participation in the social event beyond improving employee morale and health.

In other words, if you voluntarily decided to participate in the social activity and got injured during the participation, you may not be able to seek workers’ compensation benefits because your participation was not expressly required by the employer.

You must also be able to prove that the workplace social event produced a benefit to your employer. For example, if you and your co-workers organized office table tennis at work and suffered a shoulder sprain, you cannot seek workers’ comp benefits because the activity was not required or organized by your employer.

Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits After a Workplace Social Event

If you suffer injuries at a workplace social event, contact a skilled workers’ compensation attorney to determine whether or not you can get compensated through your employer’s insurance company.

You can benefit from working with a knowledgeable attorney who can help you pursue the compensation to which you are entitled. At Kobal Law, our skilled lawyers will review your particular situation to determine whether or not you can obtain compensation for your injuries suffered at a social event at work.

If your lawyer determines that you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for your injuries suffered during social activities at work, you will have to report your workplace accident to your employer within 30 days of the incident. Do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with our lawyers at Kobal Law to discuss your particular situation. Call 813-873-2440 today.

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