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Tampa Workers' Compensation Attorney / Blog / Workers Compensation / Do You Have to Pay for Anything While Collecting Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Florida?

Do You Have to Pay for Anything While Collecting Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Florida?


If you were injured at work and are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, your employer’s insurance company will cover your lost wages, medical bills, and some other expenses. But does it mean that you will not have to pay for anything while receiving workers’ compensation benefits?

In Florida, almost all financial awards and sources of income are taxed, which is why many workers receiving compensation for their work-related injury or illness wonder about their financial responsibilities, including the requirement to:

  • pay taxes;
  • pay for any medical services; and
  • provide co-pays during medical appointments.

Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pay for All Medical Expenses? 

If you suffered a workplace accident injury or developed a work-related illness and are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you will not be required to pay any medical bills. In other words, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance will cover all medical expenses.

Note: An injured worker may be responsible for the payment of medical expenses after their workers’ compensation doctor determines that they have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). After reaching MMI, you will be required to pay a co-pay of $10 for each visit for medical treatment.

Will I Be Required to Pay a Co-Pay While Receiving Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

If you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you are not required to pay any co-payments. However, you will be required to provide co-pays after reaching maximum medical improvement. In other words, any medical treatment you receive after reaching MMI is considered outside of the workers’ comp system because it was not ordered by an authorized workers’ compensation doctor.

Will I Have to Pay Taxes on My Workers’ Comp Benefits?

Under federal law, injured employees are not required to pay taxes on their workers’ compensation benefits. However, if you return to work while receiving workers’ comp benefits (for example, after accepting light-duty work), you will have to pay income taxes. However, any workers’ comp benefits that you receive while working would still not be taxed.

Typically, wage benefits amount to two-thirds of an injured worker’s average weekly wage. However, when the work-related injury is considered “severe,” the worker is entitled to receive 80% of their regular earnings for the first six months.

What Other Expenses Are Covered by Workers’ Comp Insurance?

Other than medical bills, workers’ compensation insurance covers other expenses related to a work-related injury or illness. Essentially, workers’ comp insurance must cover all expenses that result from a workplace accident or work-related illness. However, workers’ comp benefits do not extend to a worker’s non-economic damages as a result of the injury, such as pain and suffering or emotional distress.

If you are wondering what expenses are covered by workers’ comp benefits, you may want to consult with a skilled attorney. Schedule consultation with our knowledgeable Tampa workers’ compensation attorney at Kobal Law to determine how much your workers’ comp case is worth and discuss your unique situation. Call at 813-873-2440.


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