Motorcycle Crashes And The Pain Afterwards

In TV and movies, motorcycle crashes don’t hurt. But in real life, motorcycle crashes hurt physically, emotionally, and financially. The motorcycle rider collision fatality rate is thirty times higher than the enclosed vehicle collision fatality rate. That one statistic says volumes about how much motorcycle crashes hurt not only victims, but also their friends and loved ones.
Many tortfeasors (negligent drivers) don’t think motorcycle crashes hurt. Instead, they have very cavalier attitudes about these matters, almost as if the motorcycle rider shouldn’t have been on the road in the first place. A Tampa personal injury attorney proves otherwise and obtains justice for victims in civil court. Perhaps more importantly, an attorney obtains compensation for these victims, so they can face the future with more confidence.
Physical Pain
The motorcycle rider fatality rate is so high because these riders are almost completely unprotected during collisions. Safety features on cars and trucks have advanced by leaps and bounds since the 1930s. But today’s motorcycles aren’t much different from the one Lawrence of Arabia rode when he was killed in a 1935 motorcycle crash. Then as now, common cyclist serious injuries include:
- Head Injuries: Motorcycle helmets protect victims from trauma-related head injuries. But they don’t protect them from motion-related injuries. When riders fall off their bikes, their brains slam against the insides of their skulls. That may be the primary reason so many riders don’t get up, or if they do get up, they aren’t the same.
- Broken Bones: Broken leg bones may be the most common motorcycle accident-related broken bones. The victim’s leg is usually crushed between the motorcycle and the vehicle. The broken bone mostly heals, but some permanent lost range of motion usually remains in ankles, knees, and other joints.
- Internal Injuries: The same force that causes the brain to slam against the skull causes internal organs to slam against each other. Kidneys and other internal organs don’t have protective skin layers, so a slight abrasion bleeds profusely. In fact, many victims have lost a fifth of their blood before doctors examine them.
Even if a pre-existing medical condition, like a bad knee, contributes to the risk and/or severity of injury, a Tampa personal injury lawyer can obtain maximum compensation in these cases. More on that below.
Emotional Pain
These injuries affect more than the body. They also inflict damages like pain and suffering, lost enjoyment in life, emotional distress, and lost consortium (companionship).
The monetary damages that emotional injuries inflict are difficult to calculate. You cannot put a price tag on something like walking up a flight of stairs or pushing a child on a swing.
Some lawyers use a per diem calculation. If Sarah earns $200 per day and she finishes physical therapy four months after a motorcycle crash, her noneconomic losses are around $24,000. Other lawyers multiply the medical bills and other economic losses by two, three, or four, depending on the facts of the case and a few other factors.
Financial Pain
Most group health insurance plans don’t cover injury related costs. Group health plans almost never cover ancillary costs, such as hiring someone to mow the lawn.
So, a Tampa personal injury lawyer obtains compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. This compensation helps victims pay accident-related costs and move forward with their lives. At this point, moving forward is the best possible outcome.
Work With a Dedicated Hillsborough County Lawyer
Injury victims are entitled to important financial benefits. For a confidential consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Tampa, contact Kobal Law. We routinely handle matters in Pinellas County and nearby jurisdictions.